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Oxidizing Lead Question

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I am wanting to pour a bunch of jigs while the weather is still good and then powder coat them when I have more time this winter. Seems I recall discussions about lead oxidizing and powder coat paint not adhering very well, am I correct to recall this fact?

If so, how long can you let the raw lead sit before it becomes a problem?

Can I put the raw jig heads in Ziploc bags or vac seal them or some other method to prevent them from oxidizing?

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I try to always have some inventory and will often pour 100 to 300 jighead or spinnerbait heads and them file the sprue area and let them sit until I need to use them. I have had jigs hanging from my rack for 6 months with no problems and I did have some item that I had for over a year and for those I gave then a soak in vinegar for a few minutes and then rinsed the heads with water and dried and painted, no problems at all. I woulks say if you age going to pour them now they won't oxidize to the point of causing problems for quite some time so go ahead and pour and if you are still unsure then vaccum pack them and they will be fine.

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I agree with smalljaw. I have had some jigs in a zip-lok bags for a year and they were still shiny. The thing you want to do is once you pour them put them in a bag and don't keep on opening the bag if you need one or two. You are better off splitting them in two or three bags and mark the used one "Opened bag". So you draw from the same bag all the time. Other than that never had a problem when you keep them air tight.

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You shouldn't have asked "How's the Fishing". Actually it is slow but that is expected here in fall. Yesterday went fishing with a guy we both got one fish a 15 and a 15-1/2". I went today I got 2 fish a 15 and a 17" bass. Last week I went and I got one fish. So as of the 2nd week in September, fishing slowed down tremendously. Other than that caught a lot of fish this year and placed in some of the local tourney's here. Hope your fishing was good.

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