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Shooting Star Problems

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Hi guys so I just purchased a st system from a guy on tu. so I am having a few issues and would like your guys help. First I seemed to be getting air when I pull the injector. So I was told to increase my temp on the block. What do u have the block set at? Then one of my

Other issues is I am getting plastic out of one pot but not the other ..... Please help I know that the guy that I bought this from said that I might want to get a new gasket kit for it but that can't be totally the problem HELP !

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It isn't your problem, set your pots at 350 (once you figure it out you can play with it). Set your block at 160. once everything is at the proper temps load just a little bit of plastic in the injector and rotate the block up and set the injector in it for 2-3 min. then squirt a little of that plastic in the hole in the block. set the injector back in it and you should see some plastic squeeze out, rotate and slowly load the injector. this should get you a full load, if it doesnt right away try it 2-3 times. 


If you still have issues then try replacing the cupped o-rings on the pistons of the injector. there are 4 total and they wont be the cheapest things either. 


this should solve the problem you have. It takes a little bit to learn this thing but it is the cats meow when you do, I use mine daily. 

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160 degrees celcius is 320 degrees farenheit. That's a bit cold for the block.Try 170 C.You need to blow air through the entire system( to clean out all plastic w/ the injectors removed) so you can see if the holes are lining up fully when the block is rotated.( the block must be hot to rotate.Shield to openings on the block so you don't blow hot plastic on yourself.I believe Bear's sells the replacement "O" rings for the dual injector. The older models may have quad rings which are very tricky to replace and seat properly.


You can shut your striiring system off as your plastic gets low to aleviate drawing air into the injector. Turn in back on after you draw your plastic.Do not trust the 350 degree setting on the presto pots as all of them will vary and your plastic will get hotter as the pots get lower


Draw your plastic slowly and evenly. You can feel if the injectors are drawing air vs. plastic.


edited for spelling

Edited by smallmouthaholic
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