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Ventilation System

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I have read every post on this site I beleive about ventilation of the workstation. I just moved into a new house and the last step is ventilation of my shop. After all my reasearch, I think the "squirrel cage" blower/fan is the way I am going to go. Okay now which one is enough? Obviously I want to go as big as possible, but around 500 CFM is the most I can find. Some gable fans are double and triple that. The gable isn't really possible since my shop is in the basement. Help me out fella's any info is helpfull.

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If you can manage it, a remote ventilator fan is the quietest option.  

Here's a link to remote ventilators:




Any ventilation system for paint spraying or plastic melting and pouring works best if it is drawing from a confined space, as opposed to just drawing air out of the shop in general.

You should probably look at building some kind of spray/melting booth or hood, so you can get a good airflow away from both your house and your lungs, and still use some kind of respirator if you're melting inside a closed space, like a basement.

Edited by mark poulson
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Thanks Mark, I was planning on making a hood and running flex home from the fan to the hood and out of the shop. My shop is completly enclosed from the rest of the basement, so that's good. I just want to make sure I do an important job like this correctly. And yes, I where a respirator 100% of the time.

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I run a squirrel cage fan and I have 4 lines coming out of my box:  two for plastics, one for lead, and one for airbrushing.  You can put a dampner into each line so you can control how much air flow you would like.  I see you are also in cold country so you may experience the problem I have which is when I turn on the fan it gets cold quick.  I don't know how many CFM's it has.  I have been running the same motor for about 10 years now.  I have posted on this before but if you go to your local heating and air conditioning installation company you can get a used motor for less than $50 versus a couple hundred for a new one.  Once you have the fan installed there is a question you will never ask about a brand of plastic and that is how much does it smoke.

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I've read all your posts about the subject, I was hoping you would chime in. I will check around town and see if I can find one. I just wanted to make sure I was getting something on par with what you have in terms of power. I love the idea of multiple lines coming off a box too. I will probably try to do a similar thing. Is yours pretty loud?

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