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Plastic turning yellow...

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First of all, I want to thank everyone on this board for fueling my newly addictive habit of pouring plastics!! My wife would like to thank you also for getting me out of her hair a few nights a week!! :twisted:

Now to the question...When I heat my plastic it turns into a crystal clear liquid, but after a few re-heats, it turns a shade of yellow. Am I scorching the plastic and do I need any stabilizer to prevent this? I noticed this after pouring some smoke colored baits this weekend.

My heating method is a microwave. I pour until the plastic becomes too thick and then I re-heat in the microwave. I will re-heat the same cup of plastic maybe 5 times before running out.

Thanks again to all who make this site wonderful!!!


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Hi Tony,

Welcome to the site. :)

Smoke color is notorious for this problem. You hit the nail on the head. I'd say just a touch of stabilizer should do the trick. Just about a tablespoon in a gallon of plastic is plenty. Also try adding your flake right before you pour. Certain color flakes will turn the smoke a dingy yellowish color.


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I've overcooked only one batch of plastic, 4 oz of clear with a bunch of silver glitter. I left it in the microwave about 20 seconds too long. It turned a really ugly shade of yellow. I've only gone through about 1 1/2 gallons of plastic since I started.

The key is not to cook it too long in the microwave. You have to learn how long it takes in your particular mic. I usually heat 4 oz for 1 minute on HI, stir and heat another minute. Add colors, glitter etc, heat 30 more seconds and pour. I can never get more than 2 pours before reheating, and I've reheated 8 oz as many as 10 or 12 times before I'm done. I usually reheat on medium. Takes a little longer, but it ensures that I don't burn it.

You just have to reheat in 20 or 30 second intervals until you know how long it takes in your particular microwave. I don't think there is a limit as to how many times plastic can be reheated. The key is how long you cook it at any one time. Also, less time to reheat the less plastic you are working with. When I get below 2 oz left, I heat for 10 or 20 seconds bursts at a time.

Also, I use popsicle sticks for stirring. The only problem I have is some bubbles when the plastic is ready for the first time. They are usually gone by the time I'm ready to pour.

OH! And I don't use stabilizer with the Calhoun's that I use. :D

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Thanks guys for all your comments and suggestions! I appreciate it very much!!

After reading your responses, I definitely believe I'm zapping it too long in the microwave on my re-heats. I have a system down after I pour my baits, I'll re-heat the plastic while I'm taking the worms out of the molds and trim them (if necessary). I'll normally set the micro for 40 seconds no matter what amount of plastic I have left in the pyrex. From now on, I'll cut my time down to 20 seconds and see how that works!!


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