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First timer question...

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Hey guys,

I was just pouring some smoke/blue flake stik baits w/my Del mold. First pour was perfect...great smoke shade that I was looking for and everything. However, re-heated the plastic after I added some "excess" that was trimmed from my first pour and it came out with a greenish tint to what was supposed to be my perfect smoke coloring. What did I do wrong? Did I over cook-the plastic..or melt the glitter or what?....

..thanks in advance!

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What I've started doing recently is not remelting the excess until I'm done pouring as much of the virgin plastic as I can. It seems to give me less problems that way and only a small percentage of the total baits will be affected if something changes, like your tint. Someone on this board recommended that to me and it's been working great!

Good luck to you!

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Many times the excess plastic is on the sides of your pyrex and does get scorched because it is really getting heated up more than the plastic down in the cup. Additionally, the glitter may bleed a little in this plastic as the temps get really high.

Try heating in shorter intervals (30 seconds or less) and stirring well.

Also, if you are adding a scent or attractant to your plastic, continue to stir it well as you re-heat or else I have seen the discoloration (especially to a green brown color) when heated excessively.

I do re-heat my excess plastic in with my batch as I'm pouring because if you wait to add it later, the is generally less color and glitter making your batch of baits less consistent. If these are just for you...no big deal.

If they are for a customer, you may want to increase your recipe slightly so that you have some excess to waste and you can use your excess for your personal baits.


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