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crackled paint

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where can I find crackled paint? I want to paint a crackled frog pattern i saw on some older cobb's gliders but I can't find those lures. It has a fluorescent chartreuse body, three large black dots on the sides and the back and green paint (crackled). I also wonder how I can paint it.

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I don't how easy it is to find things in Belgium but here in the U.S. you can look at most any craft store or department store that sells acrylic paints. You are looking for a "crackle medium". This is a clear liquid that you put on UNDER the color that you want to crack. The price is relatively inexpensive by U.S. standards. Just follow the instructions on the bottle. My experience, however, has been that the heavier that you put on the color that you want to crack, the more defined your crackle pattern will be. Just a note: the crackle medium will not affect the color underneath.

I spray my basecoat color, then brush my crackle medium, and spray the color that I want to crack.

I hope this helps.


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