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First Lure?

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Hi i'm a beginner at best at making lures and tools are limited. So what could be a easy lure to make? Would a popper be pretty easy? My tools are a drill, some drill bits, sand paper, belt/disk sander. wire hooks, and alot of pliers and patience. The patience might be exagerated.

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If you are looking for an easy lure to start with, you might consider a topwater prop bait such as a Heddon Torpedo. Poppers are also easy to make. They can be a little frustrating when it comes to sanding the concave face though.

You might also consider joining us in Clinton, MO in April for our annual TU Get-together especially since you are already in western Missouri. We can give you some one-on-one instruction and answer your questions while you are there. Plus, the food is great!


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Ksredneck, The less shaping required being easier, I'd start with a flat sided crankbait if you have a way of cutting out the starting blank. Trace the bait shape, cut it and the lip slot. Mark the width of the bait with a compass around the blank and sand it down to final width. Then round over the edges, install ballast and hardware, undercoat, paint, glue in the lip, and topcoat.

Look in all your tool drawers to see if you can find a little extra patience. The point is not to finish as soon as possible, but to finish it as well as possible.

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