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Primer And Base Coat

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I was just wondering if anyone could tell me the best way to primer/basecoat a wooden lure, I've been using my airbrush but this takes entirely to long, especially with light/bright colors like orange or chartruese, it's taken me the better part of an hour and a half to put an orange base over a black primer and I'm still not finished! (hind sight being 20/20 I realize that white might have been a better primer choice here) Anyways I didn't know if you guys could enlighen me to some quicker methods or not, thanks.


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I was just wondering if anyone could tell me the best way to primer/basecoat a wooden lure, I've been using my airbrush but this takes entirely to long, especially with light/bright colors like orange or chartruese, it's taken me the better part of an hour and a half to put an orange base over a black primer and I'm still not finished! (hind sight being 20/20 I realize that white might have been a better primer choice here) Anyways I didn't know if you guys could enlighen me to some quicker methods or not, thanks.


I absolutely hate priming a lure so I acquired a 1 gallon jug of white for a great price. I pour the white paint in a cut off 20oz soda bottle and dip the lure. Let the excess run off while carefully shaking the lure. Then I throw the bait on the lure turner so the paint wont run. Darker colors take 2 dips but you can prime a lure in seconds.

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