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Straining paint

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I strain my paint before it goes in the airbrush with a fine steel mesh colander(spaghetti or pasta strainer). My wife foundone for me at walmart. It actually helps your airbrush from gunkink up, especially when you are using regular acrylic paints(like the ones found at the rag shop or A.C. Moore

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I use the wife's old panty hose. Just cut it up into 2 X 6 in. pieces. Then, fold it 2 times so you end up with a 2 X 2 square. That way the paint is going through 3 layers. Then I just stretch it over the supply bottle and squeeze the paint through the panty hose and into the air brush bottle.

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When I find a paint that wont stop gunking up I strain it thru 1 layer of nylon. Stretch the nylon over the recieving bottle and pour it in. When smaller softer gunks fall and lay on top of the nylon, I wet my fingertip and gently work it thru the nylon screen. Any gunk chunks that have hardend to skin I toss out. Then I add a little water to the bottle and mix it up. Strain once more discarding any gunks and the mix is ready.

I use acrylic water based paints in my paasche VL and they work great.


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