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Everything posted by Hughesy

  1. I took a 110 knock off and removed the bill, pinned the weights to their most forward position. Then heated the line tie and rear hook figure 8 eyes and removed them. Screwed in some small hook eyes with counter rotating spinners and it worked perfect. The flat belly on the 110 gave it the wobble on the fall, and the additional weight of the screw eyes and spinners gave it the fairly good sinking rate which could be adjusted by size of split rings and hook size.
  2. I buy a tall skinny glass, like a 6 inch shot glass. Holds like 3 oz or so. When I'm done dipping, I cover the top with clear plastic wrap and secure it with a rubber band. After a week or 2, I get a very thin skim coat at the surface which is very easy to remove and start dipping again. Your 4 oz can will fill it up
  3. Dipping is faster and better uniformed coverage. No waste. I have not had a problem with storage. You may get a skim coat on top but it is very easy to remove. Just try it!
  4. Dick Nite S81 or KBS Diamond clear.
  5. Use a moisture cure urethane and dip don't brush.
  6. This program is not for sale. You design your lure and then they print it out for you with a 3D printer. The problem is, if you read the fine print, they own your design.
  7. The hook bend is the part of the snap that catches on wood and vegetation causing it to open especially if it is hanging on the outside of a fish's mouth. The end of it is usually sharp and if brushed up against wood or strong vegetation can release itself.
  8. You might want to try to make your legs out of silicon or some type of rubber. Here is one I made up. Here's what it looks like in the water. http://hughescustombaits.com/frog.MOV
  9. We use four at each station. 1 iwata , 3 paasches . iwata for detailed work and paasches for base coat, body color, back and belly.
  10. Mark, I'm not sure if moving the line tie up will make the lure more stable. I think it may slightly increase the width of the wobble though. Maybe that's why some of the old wiggle warts were so erratic and unstable because of the line tie being so shallow.
  11. The reason wiggle warts used snaps was because they had to rework their molds and it dropped the line tie figure 8 too low in the bill for a split ring. On some of the older warts you can see a square in the plastic around the line tie figure 8 where they reworked it. Snaps are not as dependable as split ring and not nearly as strong. They also tend to gather moss and grass more than split rings.
  12. https://www.shortyshooks.com/
  13. Very, very well said Travis. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Just curious Mark, can you name any lures that have been stolen off of this site and what is your source that these big companies have trolls.
  15. Looks like douglas fir but thats just a guess
  16. 10 to 12 feet. http://www.tackletour.com/reviewjuniord.html
  17. I agree with Bob and Anglinarcher. The paint is shot. You need new paint and a soak job is a must. Install the .03 needle and tip. .02 is to small and is mostly used for thinned lacquer and inks.
  18. If you printed this, it would have to be printed in 2 halves to make it hollow to give it buoyancy . Also weight would have to be added and figure 8 hook eyes installed. You could do a thru wire harness but the figure 8 eyes would be easier.
  19. I do have a 3D scanner that can scan the outside of the lure. But to replicate the inside of the lure, it would have to be cut in half and then scanned. Or scan the outside and use a cad program to cut the lure in half and then design the inside of the lure how ever you want it.
  20. Great job Blackjack. Very nice work. If you don't have a printer, send me your stl file and I'll print it up for ya. Man you have always made awesome lures. You are one of the best in the biz as far as I'm concerned
  21. Yes. Brush it on as thin as you can. Some guys heat it a little but when I tried to heat it, it puddled up. Spray mold release is the best.
  22. I think I'll stick with soda blasting. Much faster and no sanding. Does look like a good alternative if you don't blast though.
  23. I designed one for Bass Pro a few years back that swims the right way. My prototype had soft plastic claws on it but they voted those down to simplify the manufacturing process.
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