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About jigman

  • Birthday 05/18/1964

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  1. I have only made resin molds in the past and want to start using RTV. I want to know if I can use a plastic bait as a master using RTV, or does the master need to be made out of modeling clay. Thanks
  2. I'm looking to make an inline buzz bait similar to snagproofs perfect buzz frog. Does anyone know what diameter wire they use? Thanks
  3. Hey Bass, I've already decided that I want a percentage of future sales. If I can get something up front as well, all the better. I'm still in the early stages of this whole process. This may fizzle out before it gets started. We'll see. Thanks
  4. Carolina, Way ahead of you on the non disclosure. I had one positive response from one of the BIG companies who wanted me to send them the prototypes, no disclosure no nothing. NOT. I don't have any sales projections at this time. I just started looking into this to find out if it was even possible. Thanks for the feed back.
  5. Hey Guys, I have a couple of new baits that I'm trying to sell to the major manufacturers. Has anyone been down this road? I'm looking for any information I can get. Thanks, Gary
  6. Does anyone have the recipe for this color?
  7. Can anyone tell me the easiest way to fix a loose reel seat? The blank is rotating every time I make a cast. Thanks
  8. Thanks guys. There is some really good info here. I have some original baits that I have been pouring for my own use. I made the mistake of having an aluminum mold made that I wanted to keep proprietary only to see the bait on another site. Lesson learned! If I had the right connections I would try and work out a deal with an existing manufacturer to produce what I currently make. Thanks again, this is a great site!!
  9. Just wondering how many guys have made the jump from hobby to a business. Is it possible to earn a decent income pouring baits? I've been laid off for 10 month's and I am thinking about doing this full time. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
  10. thanks guys. I did a little more digging and found it. Airbrush Products and Accessories-Coast Airbrush:Paint / Flakes,Kustom Kolor by House Of Kolor
  11. Does anyone have a link for the hobby size bottles that wally world used to carry? Thanks
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