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Posts posted by ddl

  1. you are lucky i didn't get the same good customer service with envirotex .they literally told me to using even if it was yellow as urine.they said inside the box that you got one years to use it .but there is not date of fabrication anywhere. never again thee is nothing more frustrating to got a junk customer service .art resin cost more but its a lot better ,they got nothing to hide.you see right trough the bottle . good luck . give an update if you got a chance ,i would like to try that for plastic lure with light action that would be ruined whit thick erpoxy

  2. bob i said that i prefer paint that got unnatural colors in their lineup .maybe im wrong but i think taxidermist paint are not doing anything like the needed paint to paint let,s say a firetiger .btw when they said solvent does that basically mean everything that is not water or it,s a particular product like urethane ?

  3. personally i would try the one that made less bubbles.if it make less  for something that thick there is a lot of chance it will be the same thing with a thin coat.it,s kind of an extreme test .i would be more than happy if i can  skip the torch

  4. cheers! guys btw don't waist your time with createx it don't stick at all,even a wet piece of clothe will completely remove all the paints with just one pass.maybe auto air is better or wicked ? but once it don't stick at all like that even the best epoxy over it will not make miracle

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