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Everything posted by IamSpartacus

  1. Glad you posted this picture, was excited to see the final result after seeing the carving. Let us know how it works, they look Great! Mike
  2. IamSpartacus

    minifrog, 1.3 inch

    Those are AWESOME! 'i wish I had a lot of those
  3. What Tater Hog said... Except I've definitely made things that haven't caught fish, but at least the first part!
  4. Take his advice and run while you can!! It took me 14 times to catch my first one and I always wanted to be back on the lake as soon as I left. Way too addictive, I think in part because the baits all look amazing. I wish I had walls full of them. If you go out for them good luck! Musky Glenn How do your tails hold up? Both of my musky to date have came on a shallow invader and its looking a little haggard already.
  5. Is it legal to weight a treble like that? Im going to talk to my CO friend but I think that might be illegal in Michigan. Would be great if it worked though
  6. Im sorry if I missed this, but where and how did you have the single hook attached to the crank? Ive done it with a swedish pimple dropper single hook on the belly of smaller cranks for crappie with some success. I'm going to see if I can scrounge up some pictures or find one of those baits, its been a couple years Im sorry if I missed this, but where and how did you have the single hook attached to the crank? Ive done it with a swedish pimple dropper single hook on the belly of smaller cranks for crappie with some success. I'm going to see if I can scrounge up some pictures or find one of those baits, its been a couple years
  7. Congrats man! My first fish catching homemade is saved and displayed, one of the few decorations I haven't lost in the past 4 years of moving constantly. Definitely retire it and make some more, well worth it.
  8. Shoot, I wondered why I couldn't find the stuff at my Wal-Mart anymore. Guess that teaches me for straying away from TU, oh well... Ice is fading and its time to get some lures done for the open water. Finally Mike
  9. My guess is the hooks would make it sink that much. I'm sometimes surprised how much of a difference they make. Maybe somebody else can offer a better explanation though. What size hooks and split rings did you use?
  10. Yes! Best Day of the Year! (This coming from a Jew-Christian hybrid, so you know I have a ton of holidays to celebrate) Hope everybody has a relaxing and enjoyable time! Thanks for all the knowledge Mike
  11. I'll jump in on this even though I'm probably one of the few people on here who don't know how to make a swim bait. One thing that definitely will help you though is to use the search feature on the top of the page (you should see the tab). Try typing in words like swimbait, swimbait joints, segment size, weighting, etc. There is a ton of stuff on this site about it already and if you have any more specific questions there are always people who know how to help. Another useful tab on tap would be the How To tab, where you can find member submitted tutorials on several topics that might be helpful. Hope this helps, Mike
  12. Stamina has some, I believe its Welcome to Stamina™ Quality Components On-Line Store... Some people have had complaints about them, but I've always found their service excellent. Mike
  13. I get mine from Tower Hobbies, they have a website... All different kinds of thicknesses. If you order check that you don't want offers e-mailed to you though, because they will send a ton. Good luck, Mike
  14. Some people handpaint (brushes, toothpicks, Q-tips) their baits too, sometimes along with Rattle cans. I do personally, not beautiful, but they do catch fish. Look at Stone Coal Tackle's work in the gallery, he does some real nice hand painted stuff. Good luck, Mike
  15. Nice fish and I dig the crank. Unfortunately I zeroed out today, oh well... good to see somebodys having some luck. Tight lines, Mike
  16. Very nice, just bought one of your other swimbaits from the D&R Sportscenter in Kalamazoo a couple of weeks ago. Looks like this one will be equally well done. Remember to show us some pictures of them painted. Good work, Mike
  17. I could probably have a picture of one of my roommates doing that, and they're in their 20's
  18. Nice lure, nice fish, good work all around! If you lived just a little bit closer I'd need to buy you a beer.
  19. You'll find a search feature on the top of the page, try typing specific topics you are interested in there. You'll get tons of information... trust me. I'd answer some of your questions, but I've never airbrushed before. Search around and have fun. Mike
  20. I know that this question wasn't directed towards me, but from my experience yes. Thats the only way I have caught walleye on my homemades, because I'm not very adept at making deep divers yet. Just attach a length of leader (depending on how high above the bottom you want your lure to be) and go for it. Not my favorite way to fish, but if it works, why not? Mike
  21. IamSpartacus

    Copy of Triple Impact

    That will be amazing if it works out, it looks real good. Let us know when you get it wet. Mike
  22. As Bruce said, wait until its your best fish. What an amazing feeling! Only took me two fish to get it too... still trying to top it. Congrats on your success man! Mike
  23. Very nice, the action is great too! I was surprised it was unweighted too. Live and learn I guess. Mike
  24. Or Cabelas flytying section
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