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Everything posted by herwin

  1. herwin


    Twisterjerk in rainbow trout colours
  2. herwin


    Bitchy Twisterjerk in Peacock colour
  3. herwin


    Scud in reverse True glide colours, on customer's request.
  4. herwin


    Been a while since I put up stuff here, but here's some of the things I've been making lately. This is a Scud in a perch pattern.
  5. So, what do you do when you're looking for a Trueglide Humpback, and you can't find any? You make one for yourself! This one is made especially for myself, measures 8 1/2 inches and weighs 7 1/2 oz. I'm happy with the result!
  6. herwin

    tail bait prototype

    Nice bait! If it doesn't run as you would like it: try a different tail! Or cut off that last flat end....that might do the job too!
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