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Everything posted by Musky0503

  1. That is what I was looking for Thanks Smalljaw
  2. Thank you so the scale is 4\0 is thick and 16\0 thin?
  3. Musky0503

    4/0 -16/0

    What do these number mean in thread? Thank you
  4. What is the deadline to make the next magazine?
  5. i love it Chuy don't stop please
  6. Thank you Smalljaw I knew you would know.
  7. Yea I have never used it on my either but I thought I would ask
  8. I have a Apex vice and it has a little spring around the Arm of the vice. What is that used for?
  9. Then just mark it as spam and be done with it
  10. There is a reason we have Spam folders and spam filters.
  11. http://www.cabelas.com/product/wapsi-deer-bucktails/743914.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Ddeer%252Bbucktails%26x%3D10%26y%3D6%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%252BProducts&Ntt=deer+bucktails Also Lure Parts online. Although they don't carry a true Flo Yellow
  12. It works fine on my 2016 Alienware Area 51 so it can't be that obsolete.
  13. I meant like tablets & phones
  14. I think the site needs Adobe Flash which I don't know if one can get on mobile devices
  15. I use prelooped .51 wire for my baits and a Hagen wire former
  16. Thanks Chuy for putting my baits in their
  17. Oh Well I'm Back from my trip unfortunetly without any pics. But a good time was had by all. The hard turning part I got figured out. I had put the blade on the wire instead of the clevis. But the snap got them snipping right. I'll make the next batch with the Spoon running off the clevis then test again. Thanks for your help
  18. yea on testing they running deep and hard to start turing. Once they start they are fine.I'm only using the #10 Colorado blades so don't now anything beyond that. We'll try the rod snap to get them going on their first musky test on the Chippewa Flowage sept 24th -27th. I'll post again when I get back from the trip. Hopefully with big fish pictures as well.
  19. I would send you over to the good people at http://www.rodbuildingforum.com/ I started their and they are very helpful and patient.
  20. What are your thought on the vice? I'm looking to upgrade. I need to tie 5/0 hooks. Thanks all
  21. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204444884228783&set=gm.876871312366044&type=1
  22. Do you have a link or a website from them?
  23. I tried to post some of my work to show you but the photos are too big. Please keep in mind their Musky Lures not Trout. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204444884228783&set=gm.876871312366044&type=1 https://scontent-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/11817142_10204407547015376_241591931929521588_n.jpg?oh=97a863f9c0aee69d41d1c8d11af08614&oe=566E89D1'
  24. Cabelas seemed good just a long drive, som 30 miles or so. I'd rather support the "little guy" so to speak, then give me money to big stores. Don't know if LPO won't fit that but I think they would. As far as I know they don't sponsor fishing tournements or make a 7 figure income.
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