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Everything posted by GoTakeANap

  1. Contact Jordan at Do It. Sounds like the mold did not get cut properly.
  2. I have some 702 Craw molds i may part with for the right price if you decide to go with the bobs mold.
  3. GoTakeANap

    Ned mold

    This might be what you are looking for. http://store.do-itmolds.com/Carrot--35-10-Cavities_p_171.html
  4. awesome what I needed to know before I place a order. I get my plastic from you now but have never bought a drum before. Thanks again
  5. How would you compare the plastic in a 55 gallon drum you sell vs the non degassed plastic you sell? Pretty much the same thing right. Im just curious. Thanks buddy.
  6. A non degassed plastic is what comes straight out the drum right?
  7. Hey BigBass, Here is a few links to the bags you are looking for. http://store.do-itmolds.com/Laminated-Bags-7x4_p_287.html http://www.shopbaitjunkys.com/7x425_c_73.html
  8. Hello everyone. I'm looking for a company to make some custom soft plastic bags. Is there somewhere in the US or is China my only option? If you know of any, please post the name. Thanks in advance everyone.
  9. GoTakeANap

    WTB 6" BTS Winged Lizard

    just seeing this post. will pm you
  10. Nope. I know what you are thinking about. ill post a picture for everyone to see. Just gotta figure out how to do it.
  11. Hello everyone. I have a question about a problem ive been having. When I shoot a dual injection bait, one color always bleeds over to the other color. Ive checked and both are injector are lined up properly. I push down on the middle bar. Ive recently switched to a new plastic in the last month. My only guess could be my plastic is to hot when I inject. Any advice? Thanks everyone.
  12. GoTakeANap

    WTB 6" BTS Winged Lizard

    Hello everyone. Im looking for a BTS 6" Winged Lizard molds. Does anyone have one to sell. I'll take the 2 or 4 cavity. Looking to buy 2-3 molds. Thank you.
  13. Thanks for all the help guys. I ended up getting the meat grinder from Harbor Freight and boy it makes remelting plastic alot easier.
  14. Will it cut the plastic into small pieces or basically make it look like ground beef?
  15. Hello everyone. What does everyone use to cut the leftover sprues and defective baits up with for remelting? Ive always used a pair of scissors but open to trying something different especially if it helps the heating process.
  16. sorry should of given a little more info. was referring to custom printed plastic bags.
  17. Have you looked at Bait Junkys? He has a trick worm that is almost identical to the zoom trick worms. http://www.shopbaitjunkys.com/Standard-TW-worm-5-Cavity-_p_725.html
  18. what does it normally cost to order 10k bags? total price on your 1st order.
  19. Where can you get header cards printed at?
  20. I called 3M and was told to use a 60293 filter for messing with plastic. Also told me i should change the respirator and get a 62023.
  21. That is what i would do. Next time I get a chance, ill play around with it and see if I can help you figure it out. Maybe 1 drop per 4 oz and add as needed.
  22. Ok that would be green. I use X2 Colorant's as well. Have you tried it with less drops then your normal count? If you want it a darker green. You could always try to add say 1 drop of green pumpkin or black to get it darker like zooms color.
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