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  1. hi Everyone, Im wondering what if any nice saltwater hardbait options are out there, jointed and not. Twitch, crank, and whatever else. I see some incredible stuff people make but am not sure if Im looking at totally done from scratch lures or if there are best-option blanks for custom painting? Im under the impression that homemade baits are usually one-offs and may vary considerably lure to lure. Ok sorry if its a dumb question. thank you!
  2. thanks ill look into it, looks like its kinda expensive but they have it in spray cans which are cheaper.
  3. Thanks very much. So a final coat of epoxy is needed apparently. I was thinking of touching some up, maybe a few from scratch. Thank you again.
  4. Hi All, I recently bought some airbrush materials and createx paints. Im looking to touch up some existing rapalas and lucky crafts, and am wondering if they can be just painted over, or is some sort of primer required and a start from scratch approach needed? I also have epoxy with clear hardener, or is there a type of clear coat used via the airbrush that is preferred? Thank you!
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