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Rbertalotto last won the day on November 25 2021

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  1. Quick video of the rod dryer I built this morning https://youtu.be/DEZ-BVFDhfo
  2. A quick video highlighting a few modifications to my 10" WEN 3962 bandsaw http://rvbprecision.com/machine-tools-welding/wen-3962-bandsaw-modifications-walk-around.html
  3. Here is a quick little video on a device I built this morning to turn lathe turned items while two part epoxy is drying.....
  4. I spend a lot of time in Maine....Chesuncook, Sebec, St Albans......All familiar haunts. The Way Life Should Be. Where are you located?
  5. Nice work on your Cat! I finally got my boat out on the lake. My linear actuator system worked great! Couldn't be more pleased. Really nice being able to stand up near the bow and control the motor via a wire! Caught 4 nice rainbow trout too!
  6. Not sure what happened to the links..... Here it is again http://rvbprecision.com/
  7. I just finished a fun project to control the steering of a 2.5hp Kicker/Trolling motor on my boat with a 12V Linear Actuator. You can check it out with a quick video on my web site www.rvbprecision.com http://rvbprecision.com/shooting/linear-motor-for-kicker-trolling-motor-steering.html Comments appreciated...Thanks
  8. I'm new to the site. Is it possible to add a signature to a post? Can't find the how to anywhere. Thanks
  9. Rbertalotto

    twistech wire former

    I'm in the same hunt......Once Badbrad is fullfilled I would be interested in the second one.
  10. Anglin, Thank you for taking the time to explain this. Fantastic post right there. I learned a lot. I'll use all of this as I move forward with my lure making. Thanks again! Most of the trout I fish for are 'stocked"....and I would think might not be anywhere as aggressive as a wild trout. This might be why the fish I catch are only tail hooked. Like you said, they are simply nibbling at the tail of the lure.
  11. Interesting....You feel the belly hook is more important than the tail hook. Most fish I catch seem to be hooked by the tail hook.
  12. Im very new to lure building. With very small wood lures, is a belly hook really necessary? Same question with large lures. Floating or sinking, does it matter if it has a belly hook? Why treble hooks instead of a simple single hook? Thanks in advance!
  13. Hi Antonio, Beautiful work! I'm very new to lure building and I have a question. With lures this small, is a belly hook really necessary? In fact, on any size lure how important is the belly hook? Thanks
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