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Powder paint glitter...

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first, i want to thank everyone on here for all the great tips and info... i wish i had found this site a year ago.. it would have saved me alot of money and headaches...

I have a question, i pour all my own jigs, i use powder coat to paint them and dont really have a problem with that, but i want to add some glitter.. i have been trying the clear coat with the glitter and it never seems to come out right, well every once in a while it does ok, but most of the time the glitter bunches up and is not evenly distributed on the jig... i have a fluid bed (homemade) that works great (got the instructions off of this site) but even with that the glitter is very uneven... i have had a little sucess by mixing the powder color and the clear with glitter together and coating, but it is not working all that great.. can i add just plain glitter to the powder paint and coat them ? is there some other technique to apply the glitter that is better? please help....

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There are several things you can do, one is to use an epoxy overcoat, mix glitter in with the epoxy and use a small brush to paint it on. Or you can use a brush for the glitter paint by simply heating your jig and loading up the brush with glitter paint and tap the paint off the brush onto the jig.

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I had the same problem with the glitter bunching up on the jig and bare spots elsewhere. I found through trial and error, that you have to find the right mixture of clear powder with glitter. Unfortunately I can't give you a formula. What I have found is if the glitter appears to you to be too heavy, increase the amount of clear powder. Also adjust the air flow of your fluid bed so you can just see the glitter moving across the top of the powder. Too much air seems to disturb the flow. Remember, the glitter wants to settle to the bottom, so the correct air flow is important. I hope this helped, it is frustrating because it is your final coat and you want it to look perfect. Practice, experiment and practice some more. Good luck.

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"Or you can use a brush for the glitter paint by simply heating your jig and loading up the brush with glitter paint and tap the paint off the brush onto the jig"

ditto - better control.

You might want to change the mesh size (slightly larger) of you fluid bed screen to get better agitiation.

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