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I thought I'd share my solution to clear coating jointed baits. I joined them together temporarily with some wire frames made from coat hangers. Once everything is cured, it will come apart pretty good if you twist on the wire with plires. Then it is just a matter of cleaning out the holes with a Dremel with a piece of wire chucked up in it (thanks Bob P.;)) and doing the final assembly. Sorry for the poor image quality. Hope is helps someone.











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Nice. I've been working on a bluegill swimbait and I've been debating on what I was going to do come time to clear coat. Here is a question for ya. After you put your pins in (I personally use machine screws and chop off the heads) do you cover were the pin is going when its all put together? If so, do you still use the same clear coat as before?

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The whole contraption is what I use to wrap rods with. The motor is a 4.4 RPM motor and rod chuck that I bought off a guy on ebay. The chuck is made out of a PVC cap and three nylon screws. I just chucked up a dowel rod with a cut in the end and a tension screw to make a clamp similar to what I have seen on some drying wheels here on TU. As for the pins, I use nickel brazing (sp) rods. I just cut them to length and press them in...they usually fit fairly snug. I try to cut them just a tad short so they are recessesd on the top and bottom about a 1/16" at the most. Then I just put a small drop of epoxy in the recesses and level it off. Really, all it does is keep the pin from working its way out. Anyway, I just thought I would post this since I know some people (including me!) have had a hard time trying to figure out how to coat their jointed baits.


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