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Missouri get together head count

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Mrs. redg8r,

I have been watching this thread all along and have every intention of making the meet for at least one day. I was waiting for business to slow some, but that don't seem to be in the cards, so I guess I will turn off the lights and lock the door on my way out of the shop where I have been held prisoner lately. Can't miss an opportunity like this gathering, if even to just see those shoes of Pete's. I wear a size LARGE t-shirt for which I thank you for all your hard work. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

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This is what I have from both the t-shirt link and the head count link:

Coley, Nathan/Deb, Spike (apike)/Jennie, Vodkaman, KcDano, PhilB, Hazmail,Lincoya/Linda, Reves,ChampionBoatGuy, Redg8r.

That make my count 15

Come on guys...over 6,000 members and this is it. I guess we need to put a FREE BEER sign out front of the meet to raise this number.

These are the people I have shirt size for also EXCEPT FOR CHAMPIONBOATGUY. (please get your size in soon) You get one shirt for attending is free......so lets get them in.

Please add to this list if you are attending along with your shirt size.

If you want to view and example of the shirts you gan go the to the TuSupply shop.

Edited by mrs.redg8r
not enough coffee
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