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another epoxy thread

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Hey I just picked up some "glaze coat" 2 part epoxy (they sell it mainly for bar table tops etc) and was curious if anyone has used it before. It seems way easier to work with than devcon 2ton, its cheaper and seems to give a better finish.

I will post some pictures when I get a few baits done. So far I have just tested it on some scrap

just curious

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I used it all the time on my wire baits before I started powder painting. I sprayed it with my airbrush. I thinned mine to the consistancy of water and sprayed light coats. It would take a couple of coats, but they did not drip or run. Your pot life is greatly extended over devcon. If it starts to thicken just add a little thinner and you're back in business. Wear long sleeves, latex gloves and a resperator. You will soon see why. Good luck with it.


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Several companies make table top epoxy, which is epoxy prethinned with a solvent. Envirotex Lite (aka ETEX) is a similar product and it's sold in a 16 oz kit, which is the typical packaging size. If you're planning on brushing it on, there's not much of a problem with solvent. If you're spraying it, you need to protect yourself.

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I bought some epoxy called super glaze this winter. I'm not sure if its the same as you have but it chipped very easy. I have used both devcon and etex and my opinion is the etex is hard to beat. Very easy to apply looks like glass and more cost effective than the devcon.

I would like to see one of your baits done with this stuff, I may try myself:teef:...........Oscar

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