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How to Paint Wiggle Wart V38 Green Crawdad?

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Good morning, it's another day here - Thank you all for your condolences, it is very much appreciated. Fortunately these tragedies don't happen often here, being a pretty small department with only 230 F/F on the ground- the down side to this is everyone knows everyone else, so it's very personal for the whole origination.

The biggest tragedy is he leaves a wife and 3 children, which must be devastating for them. Dave was a really funny guy, didn't fish much, but was an avid shooter and bow hunter, and had been a F/F for about 10 years.

Gerry, thanks you for you condolences, and kind offer of assistance, Dave's widow and children will be well looked after by his 'extended' family and a good pension fund, but emotionally, I don't know how families get over this, his wife is a very tough lady though and a qualified electrician, so has something to eventually fall back to.

Thank you all again, and Ken, sorry for hijacking your thread, I heard of Dave's death as I was typing that post. pete

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Well it is hard to see from the photo in that listing as the flash distorted the true nature of the color. Having fished a lot of Wiggle Warts in the past, and I don't recall this one having a 'pearl' finish to the green, but the photo below makes me think, hmm perhaps. So I'd get metallic/pearl out of the equation for the green and go with a white base / primer (if you know it is pearled for sure add pearl white/light silver pearl over the base coat, I have looked at other sites and still can't tell if the base is pearled) followed by a light green (perhaps a thinned olive green) of some sort and use very light layers to create the overall look and then just finish the center of the back with multiple passes of the same color until you get the darkness you desire.

One looks to me like a pearl base and one doesn't but they are supposed to both be V38


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