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Dick Nite Top Coat Advice

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I just spent about an hour pouring over discussions about Dick Nite's top coat and came across a few things that were not discussed in detail, but raised my eyebrows a bit. I am planning on ordering, at a minimum, a sample of the top coat, however two things jumped out at me that might be problematic based on the search I did. First, I saw that Wasco paints may not be compatible. I just ordered a supply of iridescent paints from Wasco and if they do what I expect them to do to my baits I plan on using them as part of my painting process. Any negative experiences with the combination of the two products. Second, someone mentioned trouble when using Krylon primer. I am currently using the Krylon plasitic primer as I am using PVC to construct my baits.

Any thoughts on these two issues would be greatly appreciated.

I am getting closer to having a very strong bait once the top coat issue is resolved. One of my testers caught a 7lb. Calico bass plus numerous 4's and 5's Sunday using my swimbait. The only problem is the epoxy clear keeps coming off the baits. I have used two types and it keeps cracking off.

Thanks again,



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Critter, I can't vouch for the primer 'cause I don't use it, but if you're painting waterproof white PVC, is primer needed? DN does soak into acrylic paint layers. If it has a bad reaction with Krylon, it could wrinkle but I don't think that's likely if the Krylon and acrylic are fully dry before applying DN.

About half the acrylics I use are sold by Wasco. Mostly Polytranspar but I don't pay attention to brands. I clear them with DN with no problem after flash drying the paint with a hair dryer. I suspect when there's a problem reported, it is more likely caused by a solvent based primer or wood treatment under the acrylic paint which has not completely out-gassed its solvent. When the paint wrinkles or bubbles, the last thing sprayed (the acrylic paint) is blamed - but that doesn't mean it was the culprit.

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I've used DN over Wasco paint quite a bit. The first time I used it DN peeled the paint right off before I finished a brush stroke. I heat set the second bait and it worked out fine. I've found if you will spray some automotive clear over the bait before applying the DN you will get a smoother looking finish. Just don't expect to get the same look from DN that you get from 2-ton or etex. It may be tougher, but it doesn't look as pretty in my opinion.

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It's a matter of taste. DN is thinner and has more gloss. I think if you're looking for a topcoat similar to factory baits, DN is close. If you want a thick topcoat that hides any finish imperfections, D2T does that. As far as "pretty" goes, I dip in DN and it's every bit as smooth and blemish free as D2T so Im happy. I have unlimited time to apply whatever topcoat I want - I'm retired and don't sell baits - but I admit that dipping a bait and hanging it up to dry on a nail is a pleasure after mixing hundreds of batches of epoxy and curing them on a lure turner.

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