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was that the show when he made a top water prop bait out of the 2 part casting resin with micro bubbles? if so yes i have that resin and use it. its $30 something bucks for a 2 qrt. kit with a pint of silicone. i couldnt believe it when he added the micro bubbles and coughed from the dust, its like fumed silica, nasty nasty nasty stuff to breath.

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......... as for the video ...... I got it for Fathers Day .......... guys it's the best I've ever seen ........ instant classic ......... 2 hours of the stuff he touches on in the shows ....... also some new concepts I hadn't thought about ......... like using 2 different RTV types for certain 2 part molds and the acrylic jig section was really interesting to me .........

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I too ordered the Dahlberg DVD. I'm a very visual person so watching was a great learning experience. Some of the video and audio was not that great but all and all just what I needed to get me over making hardbait molds and plugs.

Perhaps a Tackle Underground DVD to include the tutorials along with pics from the galleries would be well received. So many options that can be included.

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I just found Alumisol as I was surfing the web tonight and the same thought crossed my mind - I wondered if anyone on this site has used it.

I did a quick search for Alumisol and this is the only thread I could find. I must have missed this one before...

I'd like to hear from anyone who has used it. And maybe comment on comparison to any other soft plastics. :unsure:

The Alumilite manufacturer website has a "Dealer" section with a nationwide list of businesses that distribute their products. I have a couple places within 50 miles of me that - if they carry it - could save me a bundle in shipping costs depending on their retail price... I'd call them, but I don't think they're open at 9:30 at night. :lol:

By the way, I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Holiday tomorrow! :yay:

Anyway - anyone used any Alumisol?

Thanks for any info/input.


SE CT Shoreline

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Ive been using Alumisol on my swin bait tails after using MF. I had trouble filling the corners and bubbles with MF.The problem started when I thinned up my tails.This company is not really geared to the tackle industry so the lack of colors should not be a suprise. Larry is a good friend of the VP for the company which makes sense cause he only uses there products in his video and sells there products on his site. I use alot of there products so I just added it to my order and am glad I did. There customer service is second to none. Give them a try. Those are the only ones I have tried , I just started pouring more lately maybe in the future I will have more info.

As for the Larry video it is good and gives alot of info. Got me going.

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Anybody notice how much that Alumisol smoked while heating up? sure looked like alot to me, I see no advantage to using it over any other brand including price! On a lighter note the color choices for the dye was kinda strange for fishing lureslaugh.gif

Mix 4 oz plastic with 1 drop African American, 2 drops Native American, and 1 drop Caucasian to make a perfect colored stick bait. :lol:

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