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KB Tackle

devcon thinning

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I use Park brand "laquer and epoxy thinner". Seems like most here use denatured alcohol. To coat a medium bass lure I would guess it takes about 1/10th - 1/12 th the volume of the bottom of a pop can for one coat (I generally do 2 coats). The thinning ratio is going to depend on personal preference. I probably used about a 30 thinner to 70 epoxy volume ratio.

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To just do one lure of that size you will not need much epoxy at all, maybe a dime sized amount. Then what I use for thinner is acetone, its not as healthy but i like it better than denatured alcohol.

For the amount of acetone I put in is just until the epoxy is very thin. I like the epoxy to be really runny because the bubbles comeout much easier and it seems to make the lure look more nice and there are less "craters" or missed spots on the lure.

Goodluck, Jacob

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I squeeze two pools of hardener/resin, each a little bigger than a nickel into a small mixing container (in my case, a baby food jar lid) lined with tin foil. If the mixed epoxy seems too thick, I blend in 3-4 drops of denatured alcohol or lacquer thinner. That's plenty. The solvent makes a thinner coating and extends the brushing time a little. Solvent will also extend the time it takes for the epoxy to cure. Denatured alcohol seems to extend brushing time the most and affects cure time the least, so it's what I use most often. It's worth noting that if you also use epoxy thinned with solvent to undercoat bare wood, you can dilute the epoxy up to 50% with good results. However, for undercoating, lacquer thinner is a better solvent to use since denatured alcohol will raise wood grain.

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