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Another Nuttier Idea

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Just finished another project and was about to go on my mary way when I discovered 5 of the 3/8 oz. jigs were still had uncured powder on the second coat color. Since Its hotter than heck here I didn't want to get any more heat going than I have to. Thats when I spied the better halfs bagel toaster. I used a piece of rabbit cage wire , the kind with the 1'' squares, hung my jigs on it .Then place the jigs dangling inside the toaster. Turned it up to dark brown and hit the leaver. Couple of minutes later click and my jigs are nice and smooth. Now I didn't say this was safe I just said it was nutty.

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Toadfrog, your name should have been MacGyver. A soda straw, some bailing wire and a couple of rubber bands and you can build anything. :yes::yay:

It's all about fun. Thanks for the compliment. If I can give you guys a laugh or giggle I feel like I've done something worth while. Maybe just Maybe spur someones imagination to do what they would normally not attempt.
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