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P Paint Cure Strength Test

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Does anyone else test the strength of painted jigs?

I test mine by holding a 1/8 oz. jig as high as I can over my head (about 7') then then drop it on the concrete garage floor, if the cure is good the paint won't chip and the will be a little flat spot on the nose of the ballhead jig. I don't test every jig, but every couple of batches or so I'll test one just to make sure.

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If I am unsure I either smash a jig in a vise, or with a hammer. then the jigs/spinnerbaits go into my personal box. They only look weird, but catch the same fish


You sound like a vinyl paint kinda guy that needs a little more ventilation in his paint room.

I don't sell my jigs, I make them for myself and to give to friends. But it's nice to know that if I accidently smack one on the side of the boat or get in the rocks they won't chip.

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I only make for myself, but after the cure, never found one that chipped easily in use, but haven't done your specific test. Only a few from bench high, in a inadvertant test. ;) Have you found any that failed the test? If so, were you able to isolate what caused it, paint too thick, too thin, not enough cure time, etc?

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