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Envirotex Lite

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Envirotex lite is a decoupage epoxy, designed to be poured on large, flat surfaces, like bartops. It is designed to be self leveling, so it is full of solvents, and has a very long "open" time. That makes it runny and drippy if you try to just brush it onto a lure.

If you want to use it for coating cranks, you'll need to use a lure turner, and turn it for at least eight hours. When I used to use it, I turned my lures overnight, and then recoated them in the morning and turned them all day again.

Use the search feature of this website to research Envirotex lite, or Etex, and lure turners.

Long story short, unless you're set up for it, it can't be used.

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a lot of people do use it though.

another way to look at it is if you ARE set up for it, it will definitely work.

You're right, it definately will work, and it's a good topcoat to use.

My post made it sound like it is a problem finish, and it's not.


I've used Etex for years, and it works great.

But I do have a lure turner for applying epoxy topcoats.

I don't know how you can use it without a turner of some kind, unless you're willing to hand turn a lure for hours.

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Measure by volume, not weight.

Good Call Mark! Part A and B do not weigh the same so weighing them is not a viable way of measurment. I use 1 syringe labled A and 1 labled B to measure the Etex and I also lable the bottles accordingly. I bought a pack of 100 vet syringes size 3 cc with the slip nozzle for about $10 on ebay so I am not worried about changing them every once and awhile. People use medicine cups and while I use them to mix in I dont like measuring expoxy with them. its just a little to viscous for me and I dont feel I am as accurate. JMHO!

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