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Dick Nite Ordering

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Honestly for a while I really wanted to try DN. But ordering it was royal PITA. So I decided not to. Papal is really a nice thing to have on a website. Im not sure why a buyer has to email the company requesting an invoice. I am s ure DN has a reason, but its just inconvenient.

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No problem.

Others have had trouble before and it can be a hassle. There are certain times of the year when Dick gets really busy so maybe this is one of them. I've ordered from Dick several times in the past and didn't have the trouble some of you guys are having, but since switching to auto clear for a top coat it's been a while since placing an order for DN.


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If he does not respond to the emails on the tu order mail, try emailing him through his site directly. He will respond eventually, and his discounts and sometimes added discounts, make up for the wait. One rule of thumb for his product... Don't wait till it's gone to try to get more....

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Never met him but think Dick is one of the good guys. You need to understand the situation. He sells custom formulated lure finish to us at a discount, as a favor to TU builders. His priority business is manufacturing spoons and selling finish at retail. So if he's slow to respond or doesn't have a slick order/payment process for these special orders, it may not be ideal but he's not being inconsiderate. Dick tends to save up TU orders and process them as a batch when he has the time to spare.

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Hey Folks!

Got a spare minute and came to see what my friends at TU were up to...

All of you are right!

I does take me altogether too long to process your orders, I do get overwhelmed at times, emailing to get an order and PP invoice is a pain in the rear, and I am hard to get in touch with sometimes... (My wife is NOT looking over my shoulder, so I can say those things - if she were, I would have to claim perfection!)

There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

One reason for the email/PP Invoice is, as was said, the discount you guys get. I can't have that floating around out there, and PayPal is a bit of a challenge to allow discounts with discount codes...

The other (main) challenge is shipping charges - they vary so wildly by address. A guy 2 miles from you might pay up to $10 more due to UPS routes, residential, commercial, etc... If I were to charge a flat rate, some folks would be getting taken and some would be getting a bargain. Not fair that way.

The light? I have a completely new website being built that will take your order, remember you (login), look up your address and cross reference it with UPS, figure the correct shipping amount and when you order, it will apply the discount you are entitled to and correct shipping charges!

So - like I have told so many of you before, I am really sorry for delays. I do try to make up for it when I can, and the problem is within 2 - 3 months of being cured!

Next problem - packaging and storage issues... <to be continued>

Thanks again for all your support!


Edited by dicknite
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