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Clint M

Looking For A Good Weedless Jig Mold?

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Clint M, before any of us can help you we need to know what you're planning on putting on the weedless heads. The reson is there are so many weedless molds out there and the bait of choice is going to narrow it down a little. As fas a wire weedguard, you can do that with any weedless mold, all you need to do is get the kind of wire you want to use and make a weedguard and the place it inside of a skirt collar and place it where the weedguard meets the head. You need to make sure when you do that the weedguard is in the right position as you are going to have a loop on the end of it to keep it from pulling out of the head. Once you have the weedguard in position that the loop is in the center of the head and the skirt collar that holds the weedguard is at the base of the head you can then close the mold and hold it tight enough that it closes all the way and then pour. You make get a small amount of smoke from the collar when the hot lead hits it but it won't be bad and you'll be able to use the same skirt collar for a few pours before you need a new one. As far as heads, if you want to use the hollow belly type swimbaits that are popular with the alabama rig, then may I suggest the Snootie jig mold, My friend just mentioned to me about putting one of those swimbaits on that head so I tried it and it looked as if it was made for it, all it takes is a drop of pro soft bait glue on the back of the ehad and it is perfect! I hope this helps.

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Smalljaw. thanks for the skirt collar idea. :)

Well I'm glad I helped someone....LOL.

Clint M, The Snootie jig has 2 molds, the small one is 1/8 - 3/16 - 1/4oz, that is about the best you're going to get using the baits you want as a 1/16oz just isn't going to take a big enough hook. The Grass jig is also one to consider, they have a small mold that makes the same sizes as the Snootie only it calls for a larger hook size so that is looking like your best option right now.

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Thanks smalljaw. What about the poison tail? You ever pour any of those?

Yes, I have a poison tail and I really like it but to use it for what you want you'll need a different hook. I really like the Mustad 91768 hook that mol uses, if a fish bite the jig it is as good as caught but I noticed that the hook is great for craw and chunk type trailers but swimming trailers not so much. The other thing is the 1/8oz size use a smaller weedguard so you would have to find a different way of putting your wire in as the skirt collar trick won't work on the 1/8oz size. It is basically up to you in the long run, ask Cadman which round bend hook you could use on that mold if you really want that one as the EWG hook it uses won't work too well with what you want to attach to it. Good luck.

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