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Devcon Questions

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Had our first experience last weekend using Devcon. It sure is alot stronger than the rattle can spray we've been using! Couple of questions for ya:

  1. Is the 30 minute epoxy also called Model S-31?
  2. What tools/method do you guys use to hold and manuever the bait as you coat the expoxy, is there a tutorial?


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Look up information on lure turners. Or you can hold the lure with vise grips or similar tool as you apply. Remeber 30 minute will settle as it dries, so if you hang your lure, the epoxy will settle from gravity, leaving a thicker coat on the bottom portion. You can limit this effect by applying thinner coats and simply flipping the lure serveral times, every 10 minutes or so, as it dries.

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Small vice grips or a good pair of hemostats will work good. I also use a little stand I got at Harbor Freight for a few bucks and it hold my big muskie lures pretty well. http://www.harborfreight.com/helping-hands-319.html

I use the D2 and rotate the lure for about 5 to 10 minutes then is sets hard enough to hang it up. Eventually I'll make a turner so I can do more than 1 bait at a time.

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i do 4 baits at a time using a wire coat hanger bent square and the hook part straightened out so i can put it in my vera speed drill and after applying the epoxy or e-tex then i use paper clips and small heavy rubber bands on each end to hold the baits.Then i can chuck it in the drill and tape the trigger to rotate at the speed a want it to turn and hit the baits with a hair dryer to take out the bubbles and smooth the top coat(the warmer it gets the runner it gets just don't burn it)

Edited by crankpaint
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