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Anyone Have Success Spraying W/ulta Fine Glitter Dust?

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I don't know how it works, myself but I saw this from an accomplished carver/painter on another forum

For the glitter, I like to use Folk Art Extreme Glitter because it can be sprayed through an airbrush with a little thinning.

I do know you can order really fine flake from TCB and other places like .008 but it is not cheap.

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Not sure if I've got what your calling "glitter dust", but I have sprayed glitter through an airbrush. It all depends on tip size. Spraying through a #3 or #5 tip in my Paasche VL is doable.

There are special guns that are designed specifically for this purpose although they're bigger than your standard airbrush. Think more along the lines of an HVLP gun. They are specially designed with a device that stirs the glitter while it's still in the gun to keep the glitter suspended in the spray medium.


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