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Coffe And Auto Pearl Powder

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It is the same stuff we use with a real HIGH price tag. Some of the cheap ones are 10 bucks for two ounces. Some others are 100 bucks for two ounces. Not really cost effective for most. Have to watch what you are buying to some auto pearls are a liquid. Not compatable with what we use.

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I kind of lucked out..I do auto body and bike painting,,we had done some trick work with pearls and we have a bunch of containers with little in them,, we just throw them away,,but I have plenty for doing pours,,thanks for getting back on this subject,,Jim

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I have used the auto pearls. Not as impressive as you would expect.


The black pretty much looks the same as regular black colorant.



The copper looks real good.



The flip colors dont flip. Here is purple to green and then green to gold with titanium flake.






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Pearls in cars are painted over a base coat or are in the clear coat?


I think flips and chameleons are usually over a black base.


here is LC pearl I I added to white



I prefer hi-lite for clear or translucent baits.



This is clear with a ton of very fine holographic glitter.




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If you want to use pearls to color a bait you can as seen above but if you want to hilite a bait with it you have to come up with colors that are transparent enough for the pearl to show through. Yes on cars the pearl is on top in a clear. Try a dark smoke with the flop pearl and see if it is better. Cheap flop pearls are not real good at flopping though.

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