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Alabama Rigs-Anyone?

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Has anyone made their own Alabama rigs? If so, could you add a picture of your DIY Alabama Rig(s) and tell how and why did you do to make your own Alabama rig the way that it is. I'm personally making concepts of a possible DIY Alabama rigs, and I was looking if anyone else in TU has made ones. Keep on Fishin'.

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@RayburnGuy:.... yeah, I kinda forgotten to search before posting....

@Jig Man: Wow. :worship: . I would personally sell some for profit, but that's just me....

What I had wanted to see was a rig that "broke the mold" of the 2, 3,5, and 7 wired castable umbrella rig that would be "innovative" than just a plain, old wired 5 wire Alabama Rig. I was hoping that (a) TU member(s) would go and make a CUR that would be unique and innovative than the rest. Keep on Fishin'.

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