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What's Wrong With Link Pasting ?

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Hi , fellas ,


Tried to reply a to a members request last night intending to copy a YouTube video and paste it into my post for a better , visual explanation on the topic .


When clicking on the link symbol on the toolbar above the text square , a new window would pop up now , different to the one that used to do , ......and if I paste the link's code into it , nothing would happen other than the link code would be readable there , in fact nothing reacts anymore on the  TU site opened !


I can't quit that field by clicking the red "X" in upper right corner , in this case a new window would pop up , but still no reaction after clicking on the squares there , ......apart from these two windows popping up , the site kinda freezes , .....have to shut down TU entirely and re-open the starter screen to get new access to the forums , ...of course the reply text field with my previously typed text would have been gone as well .



I'm a computer dummy and I'm wondering , whether something's wrong on my side(had recent updates on my Windows some days ago) , .......or someone could explain the correct use of this new window popping up after having clicked the "link" lcon on the text field's toolbar ?


Thanks a lot , ....cheers , Dieter :yay:


PS : Just noticed , that I cannot place the attached picture into the text anymore as well , ......was possible before to place it at any line of the text as desired .










Edited by diemai
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Thanks a lot for your efforts , Curt :worship:, ...so I guess the problem must be on my side , guess it has to do with my recent Windows update  , I remember to have clicked one certain option in a window , that popped up after the update  ,.......going to look , whether I could do something about it !


Thanks again :worship:  , ...greetz , Dieter :yay:

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Still had Google Chrome downloaded on my computer , since the site of my fishing club only works with this browser , not with Internet Explorer either ,  ......obviously it functions now to link video's and pictures here on TU as well !


video test:



picture test :




Seems to work :D  !


Prior to trying out Google Chrome browser for this post I did a system set-back to the date prior to the suspected Windows update and tried linking and attaching pictures into the text again , but it did not help , ...same problem as before occured !


Anyway , I can be using Google Chrome for the TackleUnderground now , .....wish I was a bit smarter about computers :lol: .


................and I still have the Firefox option as well , ...thanks for the download link !


Thanks a lot for your help :worship:  :worship:  :worship: , ....greetz , Dieter :yay:









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