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Walleye Lure Design

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i have a buddy of mine that asked me if i could make him a walleye lure. now the problem with that is. i mainly fish bass so i have no clue what to look for as far as designing one??? he gave me a basic description of it but it just sounds like a crankbait to me. any ideas? if so i picture of a design would be nice to go off of or atleast a picture of a lure.



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As above, also storm hot-n-tot, lindy shadling, reef runner ripshad and deep lil ripper, rapala shad rap, rapala taildancer, cordell wallydiver.

Besides bright colors, common prey to immitate would be emerald shiners, redtail shiners (which are actually horneyhead chubs), ciscoes(tulibee), shad and perch. For a couple of weeks in fall a frog bait is awesome..

I miss living up in Minnesota!

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