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ive been getting lures there for years..found a good company with great  product....I order 300/400 bucks every spring.and sell all out...I get people stopping by my house asking for the lures that they lost  I have a small outdoor sale every year in my front yard..but.I have been ripped off at some of the other companys  ..so do your homework  before you drop your hard earned money....my company that I deal with  hooks me up with samples to...he ships them to me  out of his own pocket..the lures I get I do sell for 8/10 bucks each...it works for me...

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@ fishon-son


Same thing over here , and not only with fishing lures , ....but the difference is , that brand companies having their stuff produced in cheap labor countries like China do demand a certain quality standard from their manufacturers over there , .....just because they put their name on it and have a reputation to lose .


But knock-offs of almost everything(including fishing lures)made on the overseas manufacturers own behalf and risk do not meet such higher quality standards , so this stuff often is the real crap !


I've already seen lures , that are obviously made in the same molds , but sold under different names by different tackle companies in different countries , same goes for tackle bags .


Finally all of this stuff comes from the very same stable in China or wheresoever .


Talking tacklebags , ....now and then local supermarket chains put fishing tackle on weekly special offers , .....never bought , since it is crap , ...EXCEPT , .....their tackle bags and rod bags , extremely sturdy and well made , costing far less than half compared to buying comparable items from brand fishing tackle suppliers in a tackleshop , but both obviously made by the same contract manufacturers in overseas , .......easily recognizeable by style , quality and material , ........these supermarket chains also have their own strict quality demands , that manufacturers have to obey , if they want contracts with such shop chains .


Just my :twocents: , .......greetz , diemai  :yay:

Edited by diemai
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At the risk of starting an argument on here(which I don't want) I don't know why you guys are so upset that folks from China steal ideas.


It's done over here all the time. If you guys think that folks from USA companys aren't watching TU every day for the next great idea, you're fooling yourself.

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I don't like the made in China junk. But really can you blame them for trying?

I mean how many americans are always looking for a deal or buy the cheapest brand of whatever they buy.

When looking at store shelves many people will sacrifice quality for price? It happens all the time.

How many threads have there been on these forums where someone is looking for the cheapest components or the cheapest place to buy lead molds. I understand buying a Do-It mold they are all the same but some places are cheaper.

I have also found those cheaper places often have inferior service.

Many Americans are really getting into buying the cheapest stuff they can find. If a guy only fishes a few times a year he might be looking to save a few bucks and doesn't really care if the lure lasts him a long time or if the paint holds up.

This is probably more so since our economy went downhill a few years back.

There is a growing market here for cheaper goods and they are trying to fill that need.

One of the reasons I got into jig making was I felt I could make better stuff than what was on store shelves.

I still buy the quality components and I feel there are enough fishermen looking to buy quality gear that I am going to sell my jigs locally.

But I also understand there is a market for cheap gear. And I can't/won/t fill that need.

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