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Does Anyone What Happened to Bumble Bee Bait Co. ?

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If we are talking about the same guy, his name is / was Bob Pingel. He was from the Bull Shoals Lake area. I used to see Bob a couple of times a year but I haven't seen or heard anything about him since he started building rods. He was building Spinning rod's with a unique handle on them. I think he called it something like "comfort grip". Anyway they were supposed to be less tiring to fish all day. I couldn't tell you if he still makes the rod's but I haven't seen any in years.

You can modify a spinner bait mold to create the eyes like Bob made. It isn't really all that hard. The eyes were not the most unique thing about his bait but the blades were. He might not have been the first, but he sure made the chopper blades pretty "famous" around here, he called them chopper B's I think. Thos blades were still available the last time I looked. Maybe someone else has some updated information on Bob.


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I'm not really sure where the person was from. I cant seem to remember the address on the package, if it's the same guy I didnt know he made rods. I remember the package of the spinnerbaits was mostly yellow with a black border. I bought them when I lived in Kentucky about 15yrs ago, I do seem to recall some of those blades you're talking about though. Thanks for replying, it looked like nobody was going to answer back.

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I remember a spinnerbait called Bill's Bumblebee that was very popular in the early 70s. It was manufactured by Bill Hundley and was used a lot in the Elk River area near Athens, Alabama and also Wheeler and Pickwick. It was such a great lure that just about every other fish caught and featured on local fishing shows was caught on that lure. Back during that era local fishing shows were very popular. Now they are just about nonexistent. Local fishing shows were great advertisement for local tackle manufacturers back then.

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