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Type Of Devcon 2 Ton...

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Hey everyone. 


I was doing some searching about Devon 2 Ton and I noticed there was two different packaging. I was wondering if they were the same. Devcon 2 Ton: Home (clear)  and the  Devcon 2 Ton: All Purpose (clear).  Both has a drying time of 30 minutes.  Both have same bonding quality.


Which one does everyone use and trust?   I've been using E-tex lite and wanting to try something else.


Thanks again!



Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg

Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg

Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg

Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg

Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg

Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg

Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg

Devcon 2 ton home.jpg

Devcon 2Ton all purpose.jpg



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I bet Devcon just wants to increase the appeal by updating the packaging.  I wouldn't hesitate to buy it - just about any 30 min slow cure epoxy works fine.  Devcon became a standard among bait builders because Walmart used to sell it in double syringes for 2 bucks.  But similar brands work just as well according to all reports. 

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I picked up some Hobby Lobby 4 oz bottles, 2- part epoxy glue for 5.00 that worked just great for me...twice the clear coat for half the money..and no yellow that i can tell

hope this helps

Ken 6645

i bought all they had, 4 or 5 packs when the store here put it on sale a couple months ago for a couple bucks. It works well for me also.

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