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Chalk In Devcon

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For those of you that use Devcon...... watch out because they have started adding chalk and pigment into it. For some reason they have started adding it to the resin. I clear coated a bait the other day and I thought it would just mix in and still come out clear. IT DOESN'T!! Ruined a perfectly good bait. They state it on the front of the package. For the first time in 15 yrs. I am going to have to go shopping for a new clearcoat. I am thinking about Bob Smith epoxy. For those of you that use it..... what do you think of it.



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I've been using Bob Smith slow cure (30 minute) for 2 or 3 years now Skeeter and I like it. To me it seems to have a little longer working time and the bubbles seem to dissipate easier that D2T. It has good clarity and seems to be just as tough as D2T.


I switched back and forth between Bob Smith and 3 brushed coats of DN for a while, but find myself using the epoxy more and more. I still like DN, but one coat of Bob Smith is much faster and easier than 3 coats of DN.


hope this helps,



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I was curious about your post so I just walked across the street to Ace Hardware to look at the D2T and there was no problem here.  It did say on the package that you could add chalk to color it but it wasn't in the product.  I talked to the guy at Ace to see if the product was changing and he got on his computer and said he didn't see any changes for Devcon.  So from what I have found out here the Devcon is going to stay the same at Ace.  I did research on the internet to try and find what you bought but couldn't find anything.  I like you do not want to switch and I don't want to ruin any baits so can you post a pic of the package so we know what to look for.  Thanks

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It is Devcon Home 2 Ton Epoxy. On the package to the left of the syringe it says "May be tinted with chalk or pigment."  It is in the product. The part number on the back right bottom corner is 31345  Rev 1211. I am now leaning to the Bob Smith epoxy. Ben sent me one of his baits coated with it and it is really, really nice. He did an excellent job applying it. The coating was hard, slick, and clear. I was impressed. And brother... that is not easy to do. B)



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Tony, the 20 min versus 30 min blurb is just a rough guestimate of how long it takes for those glue epoxies to begin forming a bond - it really has nothing to do, per se, with brushing time.  You just have to try any slow cure epoxy for yourself to find out how much brush time you get with it at particular temperatures.  You can mix in a few drops of denatured alcohol if you want to extend the brush time by a minute or two.


For me, Devcon with a few drops of DA is brushable for 3 bass baits and I prefer doing only 2 baits from one mix so I don't have to hurry.  More speed = more screw ups and I've learned to be patient.

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I buy mine online Tony. When it's time to make an order I order a double set (2 resin...2 catalyst) of the 9oz. bottles. And when the last set of bottles get down to about half full I know it's time to order more. That way I don't run out before the next order arrives.


Just do a search for Bob Smith epoxy. I think they have a store locator on their website. You might get lucky and find a place close to you.



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Been using the Bob Smith 30min epoxy lately I get it at hobby town. Do you guys get a more rubbery feel with it for a day or two if you leave it to cure without heat (I put mine in a crude gearbox I threw together gets rock hard then) or is it just me. Either way it works good I was having problems finding devcon locally so decided to try it

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At what temps are you applying the BS epoxy Jaw?  It says on the label that the BS epoxy must be cured at 70 or above. I've applied it at temps a little cooler than that and it still cured out to a hard finish in 24 hours or less.


Not sure how long you've been using epoxy, but most problems occur when it's not mixed properly. Either the amounts of catalyst and resin aren't equal or they're not fully combined with each other when mixing. I mix the crap out of mine. Both before and after adding a few drops of denatured alcohol to the mix to thin it out a little. Just be sure it's thoroughly mixed before adding the DA. The couple drops of DA will make it brush easier, make the bubbles dissipate easier and add a couple minutes to the working time. 


good luck,



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Ben I'm not having curing problems with the bs I apply it in my shop with the heat on and if I've got to go before I think the epoxy is ready I put the lure in a heat box just to make sure it is kept warm enough to cure properly I just noticed a more rubbery feel to my lure for awhile longer than devcon it seems but probably just my imagination I like bs really no issues just wondered if anyone thought the finish took a little longer to cure. I also thin it with a little da .

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I haven't noticed it taking any longer than D2T to cure, but it's been so long since I've used Devcon I probably wouldn't remember anyway. As long as it's curing to a hard, clear finish you must be doing everything right.


Since I don't build lures for sale, and don't get to fish that much anymore, I really don't pay that much attention to how much time something takes.



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Ok, I just got off of the phone with the makers of D2T. There is no chalk in their epoxy but you can add chalk to change the color. The cloudy streaks that has been seen is from crystalization and usually only happens in the winter months. Crystalization happens when the product has been exposed to very cold temperatures for an extended period. The crystalization will not go away until it has been heated up BEFORE MIXING. I always heat mine with a hair dryer before I mix it. I was told that if you buy a bottle of D2T and you can see the hardner has any white in it then you can take it back to the store for a refund or you can just heat it up. Devcon is the same reliable product that it has always been.


I posted this reply in another topic and copied it here because I think this is important information.

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Also recieved this email from the company:


Drew; Thanks for making my day! Like you we have a big snow storm, so that's all of the conversation. Why would we say clear with 2 Ton and then try to make it cloudy. 2 Ton Epoxy is the number one product for fishing lures and knives, so we would never change that product. Once in a while you may get old product and the hardener does get darker with age but when you mix it normally it's still clear. We have not changed anything with 2 Ton---"Scouts Honor"! Be Well!
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