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Quick Eye Mold

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Started some but overheated the jewelry resin I was going to use because it is supposed to be less prone to air bubbles. I overheated one of the bottles and it melted and I wasted it. Oops did a trial will d2t but they were only decent definitely need to cover up the Lego emblem it showed in my eyes. Haven't been anywhere to get more of the resin I wanted to use and had forgotten about it until I saw the post again. The one thing I can say is that the eyes come out taller than I really want but would be usable on larger baits. I used some stick on eyes I had as for the back ground just pouring my epoxy then placing the stick on eyes over it then letting it cure. This can be tedious and you have to watch the spacing. I think I will try this again by making another mold using a slightly different shape maybe shape some dowel rods to embed in the quick putty at a different spacing/pattern before I do it again and get more of the jewellery resin

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A ball end mill in a drill press can be used to make impressions in an aluminum plate...then drop a black pupil in each one and then cover with a piece of foil in the color you want. This is basically how commercially mfg eyes are made except those are done on grid squares and sheets of pupils etc. 


Or just approach Lego to be your sponsor!   ;)

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