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Hackle Capes

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Looks like Janns quality has slipped a bit from last I bought. I like bright dyed over bleached white hackle - his looks like natural and dyed over natural.


Check out these:https://spiritriver.com/materials/feathers/saddle-hackle/uv2-strung-saddle


If they are not too big for your hooks, you get the UV kick + bright colors.


Or Google hackle and see what turns up.


Good luck!


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Just based on what you said you were going to tie ants, you didn't say what size.  That will make a huge difference in what you want to buy.  


The capes from Jann's Netcraft are india capes and while you may find some of the smaller ones there may not be many.  


While the Strung Saddles from Spirit River are excellent, for bluegill size they may be too big for ants.  Again we don't know size hook you'll be tying, so you're best bet on those is to call and see what size hook size they'll work with.  


For ants I use dry fly saddle hackle -  one feather will do a bunch of ants.  If you're tying a bunch of different sizes, and other types of flies a cape might be better.  


I know prices are still up there after the hair feather craze, but a little more info could help us give you a better idea of what to buy.  If ants are all you'll be tying the whiting 100 packs would save you money, but make sure to get ones that will match the size of your hook.


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