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Caney Creek Croaker 4"

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Just did my first Frog in this injection mold. I poured a white pearl belly, then the top was green pumpkin. 2 drops In 4 oz with .040 Black Hex. It came out awesome except one of the feet has a void in it. I purged the air, did a steady pressure and kept the pressure on for about 7 seconds. Sprue was filled over top. How can I get this perfect next time? Thanks in advance for your help. Everything was stirred well too.

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Bassinfool, yes! Top foot....highest point in mold when oriented up in injection position. I'm thinking of clamping mold in my big vise at a 45° angle for injection. Might work. I can also shoot it so Sprue hole is horizontal, that would make feet lowest part of the mold. Thoughts?

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Shooting colder is definitely the answer. I have 14 of these molds and I shoot them at 310 with the shooting star. They come out perfect every time. If I shoot any higher than 315-320 I start having issues with the hollow feet. I've also noticed that pushing a little harder and faster than normal on the injector seems to help, too. Hope this helps.

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