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When Things Work Out... My 1St Real Boat!

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I finally found a buyer for my old dodge, and just so happen to have a friend selling this boat for the same price!

Its not a fishing boat, but too good of a deal to pass up!!!... And after years of fishing out of a 12' jon boat, im sure i can manage with this one!

Im picking it up sometime next week and hope to get it wet next weekend!!!..... This is my 1st REAL boat

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B ring .. O ut ......A nother ...... T housand

There are 2 memorable days in the life of a boat owner ............. The day he buys it and the day he sells it.

I just sold one of mine and both are true.

The things you should know are to great to list. First you have to register it and license it. I would suggest you take it to a mechanic and have it checked out. Next get a sea tow insurance. If it breaks down on the water then you will find out it wasn't such a good deal just for the tow back in. Also get boaters insurance. If it sinks and gas and oil leak out you will have a large cleanup bill. Make sure you have all of the safety equipment on board. Here in Maryland you have to have a boaters safety class and be certified to operate a boat. Be careful and do some easy shake down runs to make sure everything works. Don't forget to put the plug in before you go out ....... It happens all the time. Make sure you have a good parking brake when launching ......... Many cars have been totaled when the brake failed and the truck ended up in the drink.

Etc etc etc.

Boats are fun ........ Really they are .......... but the definition of a boat is a hole in the water that you pour you money in.

I know ........ I have 3 of them

Edited by rhahn427
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Thanks rhahn!... I have forgotten the plug in my jon boat more times than i care to admit!.... I didnt know about the tow insurance, good idea!

Luckily the friend i am buying it from is a mechanic, plus since its an inboard i should be able to perform minor repairs if needed.... I dont know the first thing about outboards though!

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I would reconsider this "deal" for me it all comes down to fishing out of it and I have fished out of about every style of boat there is on freshwater and that would be one of my last choices.  I would gladly take the 12 ft jon and select waters based on it.  As far as fishing really think about will this boat meet the standards needed for where you are  going to fish and how too many guys end up buying a boat on price and often something the wife ok's because she thinks of riding getting a tan, pulling some sort of inflatable behind, or just sitting out with a friends and a cool one.  


If you go with the boat I would give it a very good look through or have someone that is familiar with boats take a look at it.  Dry rot would be the big one to look for and condition of the transom as often ends up being a big issue. New battieries, bilge pumps, live wells, trolling motor, couple depth finders, keep taking on costs of things that will be needed and replaced on many old boats.  I personally would just save up for something else more suited for targeting bass. 


Owner of older Procraft bass boat bought on a deal......haven't fished it in over 12 years and to be honest more likely to put on Craigslist as a curb alert as the space in the garage is more valuable to me at this point than the boat.  

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Travis... I wasnt looking for or planning to buy a boat yet, even though ive been waiting 34 years to have one (yes, i wanted a boat when i was born) there are more important things the family needs first that will require any savings i can muster up

I believe everything in life happens for a reason.... Ive been holding onto that old truck for 4 years, reluctant to sell because the "blue book" doesnt match the sentimental value.... I finally caved in and then this happened...... I believe something or someone somewhere thinks i deserve a boat!

Btw, the deal was $500... Worst case scenario im sure i could pull the motor out and get my money back selling it

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Congrats on the new boat. You don't need any special equipment to enjoy a good day of fishing. You don't even need a fishing pole, a hand-line will do.


Now you can test your hand made lures to your heart's content.


Just some advice for the owner of an inboard:


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Well....... That is really great ........... It will give you years of enjoyment ....... Congrats

........ But just remember ........... A great deal on a boat is frequently a very expensive lesson. I would check it for soft spots on the floor and transom, have a mechanic check out the engine and do a test drive and check for leaks BEFORE you give the guy any money. That way you will have a great idea of what you are getting into. Good luck and have fun

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Points taken... Looking out for one another is what we do here..... I appreciate all the heads up!

If it seems too good to be true, it uaually is... Hopefully this will be an exception to that rule!

I will give it a good looking over and post more pics when/if i get it home

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