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What Does Your Wife Bring To The Lure Building Table.

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Actually there are several items of value to the lure designer. So many that I have decided to group the items by rooms, where the items are usually located:


Kitchen – A quality self-cleaning kitchen is a wealth of invaluable tools and utensils. Pots and pans of various dimensions, well laid out so that it is easy to find one just the right size for your application; mixing plaster of Paris, RTV, jugs for plastisol. Pasta jars for storing dissolved propionate. Various small containers suitable for cleaning paint brushes, stripping and cleaning air brushes.


An excellent dust free environment with hyper clean, level work surfaces for those finer jobs. A conveniently placed, drained supply of hot and cold water surrounded by a plethora of cleaning agents and surfactants for every job. A supply of various grades of cloth materials for removing the more stubborn stains.


Also several grades of sieves for removing the lumps from plaster, powder paints etc. Various sizes of measuring cups, beakers and jugs. Quality kitchen scales maintained like new. Food mixers are great for rescuing the PVA glue that has been standing for too long or watering down a new batch of PVA which is too thick. Coffee grinder, perfect for making that super fine salt.


Moving on to the draws. Mixing utensils of all shapes and sizes, you will always find the perfect tool for the job, butter knives, spatulas and those extra-long tea spoons that never get used. Conveniently placed oven gloves next to the cooker, perfect for that small melt of lead in the ice cream scoop, saving you having to dig out the dirty lead gear and clean a space off your overcrowded work top.


Bedroom – A top source of paint and stencil materials. There is invariably a comprehensive supply of brightly coloured, fast drying paints in convenient sized bottles with built in quality brushes, useful for eyes, gills and other small details that make all the difference when looking for a professional finish. There will usually be clears with various glitter colours for those highlights. Close by the paint tray, will be a bottle of paint brush cleaner and stain remover along with a convenient supply of cotton swabs, so should you spill any paint on the highly polished wooden surface, you can mop it up without hardly leaving a trace.


An extensive selection of patterned laces and nets will be hidden away in draws, but not too difficult to locate. Perfect for various scale patterns and other details. Then there are more electric tools; the hair dryer for curing water based paints. By allowing a little overs-pray to settle on the handle, this can be an ideal solution to the Xmas present problem. Heated curling tongs, useful for bending Lexan.


Bathroom – Not a great deal available here for the lure builder, except for that prized possession, the puffy ball sponge thing which makes an excellent scale pattern material. Very little hope of sneaking out this prized item, but if you get caught cleaning your toes with it, a new one will appear the next day.


For any wives reading this article; it is a joke, we love you really.



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Although this thread was intended to bring a little light humour to the arena and perhaps a few ideas of what resources are available around the household. It strikes me that our spouses bring a lot more to the table than we realize and we should celebrate this too.


My wife and I are separated, but she is still my best friend. Tessa gives me unwavering support in what ever I decide to do. Her support strengthened when times were very bad. If I ever found a way to make a business, she is ready to take over the responsibilities of general management and all that is entailed; hiring and firing, materials supply, distribution and all the rest. We have already discussed this and she is excited at the prospect of being involved.


All the obstacles that got in our way have long since evaporated, but we have both got used to our independent lives and are reluctant to change. It is a strange arrangement, but it works, as we are both here for each other.




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Good stuff Dave..... Each of you are happy, and thats what matters

I live with my wife, but rarely see her... She works nights, i work days (days that sometimes extend into nights), sometimes ill see her on the weekends, other times she'll spend her weekend with friends and ill spend mine in the shop or on the lake

I take the kids fishing and hunting, she takes them to the movies and special events... You could say our arrangement is strange too... But everyone is happy

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