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Crappie Basics.

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Merry Christmas crappie 0913. I do like marabou for crappie flies. Bucktail seems a little long for most of my panfish flies. A really good fly for crappie is a small Clouser variant. Instead of dumbell eyes you can use small bead chain [hardware store is the best place] and a wing of calftail with a small amount of crystal flash. Small streamers in your favorite color are good too...stuff in the profile of black nosed dace or Mickey Finn. Cheers, Ed

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here in michigan the hot bait is what is called a "pinkie"  its tied like a buck tail but way smaller   1/32 1/16 oz....pink head   , white buck fur....small bait  but boy dose it catch the crappies...there sold in stores and all most all tackle and bait shops have them...they come on a card.....it kind of like a float and fly...that's how we fish them......welcome to the forum........

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Any thing you can tie a fly or bass jig with you can tie on a hook for crappie.  Any fly pattern you can also tie for them.  


There's a guy over on Fly Anglers On line http://flyanglersonline.com/  by the name of RickZ who ties a LOT of flys and bugs for crappie and bluegill - 


Do a search on "Rich Zeiger" he has lots of articles and shows lots of different patterns.

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Im new to tying crappie jigs as well... It is tedious and im surprised that i have patience for it!

Couple things ive learned so far, instead of trying to trim the tails, just pluck out any hairs that stick out too far before wrapping, if you pluck too much you can always add more.... And if you heat up a nail with a lighter, you can usually burn off any hair sticking out of the wrapping

Ive tied some jigs with feathers (similar to marabou) but i dont really like them.... I like the look and feel of hair jigs alot more....... Yours look good, what type of hair did you end up using??... Id like to get some

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Im new to tying crappie jigs as well... It is tedious and im surprised that i have patience for it!

Couple things ive learned so far, instead of trying to trim the tails, just pluck out any hairs that stick out too far before wrapping, if you pluck too much you can always add more.... And if you heat up a nail with a lighter, you can usually burn off any hair sticking out of the wrapping

Ive tied some jigs with feathers (similar to marabou) but i dont really like them.... I like the look and feel of hair jigs alot more....... Yours look good, what type of hair did you end up using??... Id like to get some

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To be honest it's a mix of material. I bought a lot of single items in different colors to try out different textures. I found out after my first major purchase that what I was looking for is Kiptail or calf tails. I really enjoy it just like you said tedious and I wish the mess of hair wasn't so much after I'm done I vacuum my body

Hey crappie, those jigs will do the job...good for you and Happy New Year! Ed

Thanks goose77

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As you can see with fshng2 the hairs in the tails are square cut - when you cut a clump of hair off use a mustach comb to take the underfur out, hold the clump near the jig to determine tail length and if it's too long just cut some above where you're holding it.  Once you get used to tying with it you won't have the loose hairs sticking out.  


Badger hair is a bit slippery like calftail (Kip) - but it ties up nice


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