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Devcon 2 Ton - Which One?

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I've been looking to try out an alternative to the Envirotex I bought last year when I started putting real time into making lures. I'm building a lure turner from an old microwave motor, but didn't anticipate I would need some basic electrical knowledge to wire it correctly. So until I figure that all out and get the turner built and working, I thought I should try some Devcon 2 Ton.


Up here in Canada, I've been having trouble finding it in HW stores sooo I started looking online and found several different variants of 2 ton and am hoping you guys can steer me towards the right one.



"high strength" never seen this mentioned on here, but then again I haven't been around that long. Thoughts?



This is the packaging I see more often.



There are more "variants" but these two seem to be what I'm looking for, I think? Alternatively if any of my northern friends know where I can pick up some 2 ton that would be greatly appreciated.


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I am new here, but have been reading for a while. Many say if you only have 1 or maximum 2 baits you can get by with the 5 minute type, but if you have several baits you want the 30 minute type so it does not begin to harden to quick before you finish coating the lures.

I was wondering the same about the different kind of epoxy's. So basically what you are saying is that if you are only painting a few baits at a time you can get away with the 5 minute but if you are painting in large batches you should go with the 30? Also if anyone wouldn't mind chiming in I've been told you don't need a turner if you're using a 2 ton epoxy? Is this true?

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I was wondering the same about the different kind of epoxy's. So basically what you are saying is that if you are only painting a few baits at a time you can get away with the 5 minute but if you are painting in large batches you should go with the 30? Also if anyone wouldn't mind chiming in I've been told you don't need a turner if you're using a 2 ton epoxy? Is this true?



From what I've read the 5 min epoxy won't provide a smooth finish and will yellow. So as Rayburn pointed out your best option is 30 min.

In regards to the turner, I think it is generally recommended no matter what you're using, but the Devcon is thicker than Etex so requires ledd manual turning of the bait.

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From what I've read the 5 min epoxy won't provide a smooth finish and will yellow. So as Rayburn pointed out your best option is 30 min.

In regards to the turner, I think it is generally recommended no matter what you're using, but the Devcon is thicker than Etex so requires ledd manual turning of the bait.

Yeah I saw that Rayburn said that after I already posted. I'm a newby here so would you care to explain what "ledd manual turning" is.

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I was wondering the same about the different kind of epoxy's. So basically what you are saying is that if you are only painting a few baits at a time you can get away with the 5 minute but if you are painting in large batches you should go with the 30? Also if anyone wouldn't mind chiming in I've been told you don't need a turner if you're using a 2 ton epoxy? Is this true?

always use 30 minutes epoxy and he probably meant "less" turning but do make yourself a turner it will be a great asset for you

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The turner is to allow the epoxy to self level while rotating without pooling up and creating bumps or high spots in the finished top coat. Rotating the lure negates the forces of gravity on the epoxy while it is still fluid.


I think jwflipper is right about the "less turning" since the "D" is right next to the "S" on the keyboard. Easy mistake.



Edited by RayburnGuy
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I've used both Etex and Devcon and I like the working time of Etex. It allows me to relax and do mutiple lures at once. Yes, it takes more time to cure and I know that I can add denatured alcohol to Devcon but Etex is a pretty simple no hassle option for me. The only thing to watch out for is fish eyes. I usually get them when I handle the lure with my hands. It's the oils from my skin that seem to cause the epoxy to not adhere to the surface. The solution is to not touch the lure or use gloves.


Either way I recommend a turner. I use a rotisserie motor on mine. Simple and effective. I just use the square metal rod that comes with the kit (see image below). I keep the lure clamped with hemostats and once I have it covered w/ Etex, I tape it to the spit using some masking tape. That way I never have to handle the lure in the process. Before I did this, I'd drop one from time to time and that wasn't good!










Edited by FrogAddict
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A few thoughts on D2T....use the 30 minute handling time for lure finishing.  Home or Industrial???  Marketing stuff...both work the same way.  Thin it with a little denatured alcohol... careful not too much.... causes fish eyes and sticky lures.  Mix the two parts together first then stir well...next add a few drops of alcohol and re-stir.  If you get bubbles in the mix when stirring just cup your hand over the mix cup and exhale into it a few times...presto... no more bubbles.  Mix small amounts and do two or three lures at a time...when the epoxy gets stiff you can cut it with a little alcohol and stir it up until it thins out again. (see: careful not too much)  Use a lure turner to avoid sags and runs.  If you can get your hands on a dehydrator hang you D2T coated lures in it, after turning them for 15-20 minutes, and  set it on 95-105 degrees and cook for an hour or so....lures come out dry and hard as a nail.

Edited by BoisArc
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5 minute epoxy will work, if thats all you can get your hands on and cant wait for an order of 30 minute to ship.... But youll have to accept a lumpy finish and likely some fish eyes (bare spots)

30 minute is the way to go, but dont let the number fool you.. You dont have 30 minutes to apply it and it will not be hard in 30 minutes

It must be turned, or it will run down and settle at the lowest point.... Electric turner is most convenient.... You can also achieve this manually, by flipping the bait over every 60 seconds for about 15 minutes, then a few more flips over the next half hour or so

I use these little contraptions


Edited by JRammit
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5 minute epoxies use a different hardener than 30 minute epoxies. It cures too fast for the epoxy to level out on the lure and it also tends to turn an ugly brown when exposed to UV light over time. I never use it anywhere on a lure that shows, even to glue in lips. Devcon Two Ton is actually a glue epoxy but it works well as a lure topcoat. The "30 minute" monicker relates to how fast it forms a glue bond, not how long you have to brush it on a lure, which is about 3-4 minutes before it begins to harden too much to brush. Adding a FEW drops of denatured alcohol extends the brush time a minute or two but does not harm the curing of the epoxy. It takes about an hour of rotation after application for Two Ton to cure to a non-sag state.

Decoupage/table top epoxies like Envirotex Lite (aka Etex) are solvent modified epoxies that have a much longer brush time but they also take much longer to cure and they generally form a much thinner topcoat. Some guys like that, some don't. Player's choice but personally I wouldn't use one without a motorized lure turner. I don't care to spend hours manually flipping a lure until the epoxy hardens to a non-sag state.

Whichever you choose, if measured properly and mixed THOROUGHLY, the epoxy should harden to a clear hard finish in 24 hours.

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Of the two types of 30 minute epoxies that dubyap mentions only the first one is water proof. The second one is moisture resistant. The second one only has 2500 lbs strength. Couldn't find the strength of the first one but it will be higher. Not all 30 min. epoxies are water proof.

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