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Looking To See Who Makes These Glitter Blades

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Based on the color of the glitter and the texture I can see in the picture, I think those are just blades done using the flex coat iridescent glitter and clear coat. The reason I say that is Lakeland makes glitter blades called Crystalline and the way they are made is with glitter suspended in a colored enamel that is baked on resulting in a mirror smooth finish. The blades in the picture seem to have some type of texture and it reminds me an awful lot like adding glitter to epoxy and brushing it on, and don't get me wrong, I like the look of those myself but I think you can do them by getting the flex coat glitter sold at Barlows, in fact Barlows has the entire kit to do that with. 

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I like these blades too, SJ. Look really nice. Textured powder is what I was thinking of. Of course, we don't know if the other side was done, also. There is a YouTube video of a fellow putting that flex coat on a hard bait and it went on smooth as a babies bottom. Just like D2T, flex coat is self leveling. I would think if it was flex coat it wouldn't look textured. That's why I thought textured powder with glitter in it. What made me think electrostatic is there aren't any hold marks up by the hole. If done with the hobby blaster you would have to hold it somewhere. At least I would. Good looking, whatever the technique.

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Looks like thin epoxy (envirotex?) with the glitter sprinkled on after the epoxy is applied. Another coat on top or mixing glitter into epoxy would be more durable. Too much or doing both sides is likely to inhibit the action of the blades - especially with willow blades.

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