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Scott H

Jig Mold For Gamakatsu 684 Hook

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Welcome to TU. This question comes up quite often, and I bought a pack of these hooks to try. They do not fit any of the 150 Do-It molds I have. I know  there was a commercial jig head on the market that had these. They were for football jigs, but I don't remember the  brand name.

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Thank you. I have been striking out in my search, and was hoping that some one here had found one. I think that I found the commercial one at Anglers Workshop. They call it a PRO jig. It is a football head. I have ordered a few, but I haven't received them yet.

Scott H

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Thank you. You have sent me on a new quest, if I get the trokar shakey head mold and modify it to take the larger hook. Why not add a collar for a skirt and a weed guard, and a slot for a wire bait keeper.

Are there any good books or write ups no doing such modifications?

Thanks Scott H

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If you add stuff like that you also change the weight and balance. You will change it slightly with a larger hook as well but not enough to make it act differently. Remember, that head has a flat bottom so when you have line tension it should sit flat but add a collar and wire keeper and you add weight to the back of that and then you end up with a head that won't sit upright at all, especially if you do it yourself with a dremel as I assume you don't have a milling machine or machinist skills since you asked about a book on the subject. Modification of a cast mold is fine for certain types but changing the entire function of a head is one that should not be done. I don't want to preach but jigs are thought out and planned, sure, you could dream up a shape and have it made but most jigs made commercially have been tested and tweaked so they fall a certain way or sit upright or swim true or just work for the designated purpose. So if you want to add that much more to that head, go ahead but that is a big modification and I would take it to a machine shop to have it done rather than hack at it with a dremel.

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